Special Services
Amy Fletcher, Director of Special Services
(912) 384-2086
Special Services Mission: To improve achievement and prepare students with disabilities for graduation and transition into society.
The Coffee County Board of Education follows the requirements of federal and state laws when educating students with disabilities. Currently, over 100 teachers and support personnel serve the needs of students having speech impairment, intellectual disabilities (mild, moderate, severe and profound); learning disabilities; emotional and behavioral disorders; visual impairment; deaf/hard of hearing; deaf/blind; autism; traumatic brain injury; orthopedic handicaps; other health impairments; or significant developmental delays.
Preschool special education is available to children ages 3 and 4 who are significantly developmentally delayed or who meet the criteria for one of the other exceptionalities.
Special education services are available to students ages 5 through 21 who meet the state criteria for one or more of the exceptionalities. Models provided include collaborative, pull out, self-contained, community based education and consultative services. Through a partnership with Coffee Regional Medical Center, prior to graduation from high school, eligible students may participate in an on-the-job transition program called Project SEARCH. Child Find/Proportionate Share funds are available for private and home-school students.
Physical and occupational therapy are related services available through the educational model. Additionally, an adaptive physical education teacher and as assistive technology specialist are available to work with special students. Leading the way in southern Georgia, the Coffee County Schools special services program offers aqua therapy for eligible special needs students. This is made possible through a partnership with South Georgia State College.
Students referred by the county Student Support Team Committee are also offered services by the staff of school psychologists.
504 services are available to eligible students in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.
For students who cannot attend school due to an extended illness, Hospital Homebound services are available.
School counselors are available on every school campus, as well as system-wide social workers and family service coordinators. Additional support is provided by our student support case managers.
Students identified as gifted are served by gifted-endorsed teachers that provide challenging learning environments to this population.